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we'll dive under with you.
The TCA is one of the greatest diving clubs of Austria and it
exists since 1956.
With its experiences the TCA formed the base for many diving clubs of Vienna and there
superordinated unions. Also the "Tauchsportverband Österreichs" and the
"Landestauchverband Wien" were initiatives of TCA members.
The TCA is member of:
CMAS ... Confèdèration mondiale des activitès subaquatiques
TSVÖ ... Tauchsportverband Österreich's
The TCA is interdenominational and nonpartisan.
CLUB NIGHT every second monday at
approximate 7:30pm.
Our club has an own club property at the Neufeldersee with
free usage of the lake, club mobile, cooking facilities, sanitary facilities (shower,
toilet), tanks, regulators, air compressor, tent and parking lot.
Every 14 days there are lectures evenings in our comfortable club
bar. At this time everybody has the possibility to demonstrate dias, videos and
cine-films. At that time you are spoiled with little foods and drinks at our club bar.
During the time of dancing the club organizes its traditional diving ball in a big
manner. Additional there are "Krampuskränzchen", christmas celebrations with
sinking of a christmas tree, children competitions, summer firm and
"Spanferkelessen" every year.
Every saturday between 7:30pm and 9:00pm all members have the possibility to train in
the indoor swimming pool of "Floridsdorf". (Attention,
admission control is between 7:30pm and 7:45pm only!). At that time the pool is reserved
for us divers only and therefore we can train with fully equipment.
Between 6:00pm and 7:30pm the club children have the possibility to train with our youth attendants.
5 times in the year every member gets freely a club internal newspaper in which the
member is able to publish its travel stories, informations, wishes (looking for, for
sale), etc. Our library contains both books from the beginnings of the diving time and
latest diving magazines.
Because of the membership at the associations there is the
possibility to earn various performance badges and to take part for educations, courses,
seminars and competitions.
Via TCA and a TSVÖ diving teacher (a teacher checked by the
state) it is possible to earn an international diver certification according to CMAS
Our supply: Sniffing diving ("Schnuppertauchen")
Performance badges
for swimming with fins and diving of long distances
A = Base licence B = Advanced licence C = Performance licence
Education for scuba diving (with compressed air) to deeps of 10 m.
Education for scuba diving (with compressed air) to deeps of 30 m within the zero time.
Education for scuba diving (with compressed air) to deeps of 40 m.
After longer diving breaks you can go to a refresher course in theory and practice with
our diving teacher.
Special topics:
President: Eddi Heusler phone: 0660 811 3576
Vice-president: Robert Tscheitschonig phone: 0676 302 0062
1st Cashier: Philipp Kainz phone: 263 53 93, 0699 1103 3064
2nd Cashier: Christian Lörincz phone: 0699 1048 4260
1st Secretary: Werner Schmidt phone: 94 74 486, 0664 493 0408
2nd Secretary: Rudi Bauer phone: 495 46 03
Equipment guard Vienna: Walter Nadeje phone: 0676 672 6177
Groundsman club property: Robert Tscheitschonig phone: 0676 302 0062
Education leader: Walter Nadeje phone: 0676 672 6177
Youth attendants: Walter Nadeje phone: 0676 672 6177
Long-standing member: Fredi (D'Artagnan) phone: 02249/4707
Rescue 144 Police 133 Fire department 122
Decompression room Graz 0316 385 2205 0316 385 2795
Decompression room Munich 0049 89 40 66 55 0049 89 41 76 050
Neufeldersee Dr. Abu-Dayeh 02688 72293 02688 72220
Flight rescue service Linz 07221 63737 Salzburg 0662 1777 Hohenems 05576 72011
Flight headquaters Vienne 01 815 35 11-0
Gudrunstrasse 21 (in the court on the left)
A-1100 Vienna
Tel. (01) 604 18 26
Fax (01) 974 32 14
Banking connection:
Bank Austria, BLZ. 20151
Kto: 697 339 000
Weekendsiedlung Strasse 1/63
A-2340 Ebenfurt
Franklinstrasse 22
A-1210 Vienna
(indoor swimming pool of Floridsdorf)
The president
Fredi's home page and TCA home page
Copyright by Alfred Kucera /